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Formerly Devak Lock & Key
Now Accurate Lock & Safe

Why Choose Us
Emergency Service

Professional Locksmiths in Vancouver

Devak Lock & Key is proud to be Vancouver’s trusted locksmith since 1980. Our licensed and bonded team has years of experience and knowledge in installing, repairing, and supplying all types of locks for commercial and residential needs. Home security is important, and we take our job seriously. We provide affordable solutions for your protection. When it comes to your home or business’s security, we don’t believe in cutting corners. In addition to our residential and commercial locksmith services, we also offer re-keying, key organization, replacements, duplication, and more. Find out more about our services below and, when you’re ready, give us a call.

Protect Your Home with Our Residential Services

Your home’s locks are an integral part of the safety of your family as well as the security of your belongings. We supply and install only high-quality locks we would trust in our own homes. It’s important to invest in window and door locks to help ensure the safety and security of your home. With a wide selection of deadbolts and lock systems from trusted manufacturers, you’ll get peace of mind. If you’re not sure what specific types of locks you need, give us a call or visit our shop. We’re always happy to chat with our customers and offer recommendations.

Ensure Your Business’s Security

No matter the size of your business, you have invested a good deal of your life into it. It’s important to protect your assets in every way you can. Our customized security systems can help provide you the comfort you need knowing your business is safe and secure. We offer all types of commercial services, such as reprogramming commercial locks, duplicating keys, and installing entirely new systems. We provide many different state-of-the-art security systems to ensure your company’s well-being. Plus, we’re happy to offer our insights into the best system that will work best for your business.

Devak Lock & Key

1030 Denman St
Vancouver, BC V6G 2M6


Hours of Operation
Monday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM